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Research the Smart Way
6. Evaluate sources
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Research the Smart Way: 6. Evaluate sources
1. Topics
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a. Find topic ideas & overviews
b. Refine a topic
2. Types of information
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a. Information needs & sources
b. Information Sources - comparisons
c. Journals vs. magazines
3. Find books
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a. Search the library catalog
b. Locate print books by call number
c. Find & use online & audio books
d. Obtain books from other libraries
4. Find articles
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a. Search the library databases
b. Online search strategies
c. Locate full-text articles
d. Off-campus access
5. Use Open Web sources
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a. Introduction
b. Library databases vs. search engines
c. Use search engines
6. Evaluate sources
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a. Criteria for evaluating sources
b. Wikipedia
7. Cite sources
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a. Avoid plagiarism
b. Interpret citations
c. Cite sources
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Evaluate Sources Contents
6. Evaluate sources
a. Criteria for evaluating sources
b. Wikipedia
Subject Guide
Library Services
c. Use search engines
a. Criteria for evaluating sources >>